The Prime Minister launched a Rs.13,000 crore scheme aimed at assisting artisans and craftsmen. Under this scheme:
Artisans can avail collateral-free credit of up to Rs.3 lakh at a concessional interest rate of 5%.
They will receive recognition through PM Vishwakarma certificates and ID cards.
Skill enhancement will be provided through basic and advanced training.
Artisans will receive a toolkit incentive of Rs.15,000.
Collateral-free credit support will be offered, with Rs.1 lakh in the first tranche and Rs.2 lakh in the second, at a concessional interest rate of 5%. Incentives for digital transactions and marketing support will be provided.
The scheme aims to uplift traditional craftspeople, covering 18 categories such as carpenters, blacksmiths, potters, tailors, and more.
Artisans must repay the Rs.1 lakh loan from the first tranche within 18 months to qualify for the second Rs.2 lakh tranche.
The Prime Minister emphasized the importance of buying locally-made products and urged citizens to be 'vocal for local,' promoting indigenous goods during the upcoming festive season.
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