
New Delhi Declaration: Global Priorities

  Sep 11, 2023

New Delhi Declaration:Food Security,Finance,Climate Change,Women-led Growth

Title: "Global Commitments and Resolutions for a Sustainable Future"

In a world facing multiple challenges, world leaders came together to address critical issues and commit to a shared vision for a sustainable future. Here are the key highlights of their resolutions:
Nuclear Disarmament: The international community firmly declared the inadmissibility of using or threatening to use nuclear weapons. They reaffirmed their commitment to UN Charter principles in order to maintain peace and security.
Countering Terrorism: Terrorism, regardless of its motivations, was condemned unequivocally. Xenophobia, racism, and religious extremism were specifically called out as unacceptable drivers of terrorism.
Religious Tolerance: Acts of religious hatred, including those against individuals and symbols, were deplored. This commitment was made while respecting domestic legal frameworks.
Global Economy: Leaders recognized the need for a strong, sustainable, and inclusive global economy to address the uneven recovery from the pandemic and combat economic inequalities.
Cross-Border Payments: The promotion of faster, cheaper, and more transparent cross-border payments was endorsed in alignment with the G20 Roadmap, aiming for inclusivity in the financial system.
Climate Action: A commitment to accelerate clean, sustainable, and just energy transitions was made, emphasizing the importance of balanced and inclusive growth in the context of combating climate change.
Climate Finance: Developing countries' need for approximately $4 trillion annually by 2030 to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 was acknowledged as a crucial component of the global climate agenda.
Agricultural Trade: Leaders pledged to facilitate open, fair, predictable, and rules-based trade in agriculture, food, and fertilizers while adhering to WTO rules, avoiding export restrictions.
Gender Equality: A commitment to closing gender gaps and promoting women's full and equal participation in the economy and decision-making processes was reaffirmed.
Anti-Corruption: A strong stance against corruption was reiterated, along with support for efforts to seize and return criminal proceeds to victims and states.
Skills Development: Addressing skill gaps, promoting decent work, and ensuring inclusive social protection policies were highlighted as crucial for sustainable and inclusive economic development.
Crypto Assets: Endorsement of the Financial Stability Board's recommendations for the regulation, supervision, and oversight of crypto assets was made to mitigate associated risks.
Education: The importance of investing in human capital and foundational learning, including literacy, numeracy, and socio-emotional skills, was recognized as the cornerstone of education and employment opportunities.
These global commitments and resolutions represent a collective effort to tackle pressing global challenges and work toward a more sustainable, equitable, and inclusive world for all

Global Finance

Under India's G20 presidency, several significant outcomes were achieved in the Finance Track, aiming to establish a coordinated global approach to cryptocurrency regulation, strengthen multilateral development banks' lending capacity, and promote financial inclusion through digital public infrastructure.
Global Cryptocurrency Regulation: The G20 discussions laid the foundation for a globally coordinated and comprehensive policy and regulatory framework for crypto assets. This effort reflects the increasing consensus among nations on the need for clear policies in the crypto space.
Financial Stability: The New Delhi Declaration, adopted by G20 leaders, emphasizes close monitoring of the risks associated with the rapid developments in the cryptoasset ecosystem. The leaders endorsed the Financial Stability Board's recommendations for regulating crypto assets and global stablecoin arrangements.
Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs): G20 leaders recognized the high developmental demands from around the world and agreed on the necessity for more robust and effective MDBs. Strengthening these institutions will enhance the representation and decision-making voice of developing countries.
Capital Adequacy Framework: The G20 endorsed a roadmap for the implementation of recommendations from an independent panel on the capital adequacy framework of MDBs. This roadmap aims to optimize the use of existing resources and potentially provide an additional lending capacity of approximately $200 billion over the next decade.
India's G20 presidency sought to address the unique needs and aspirations of developing nations and foster a shared path forward for all members. The outcomes reflect efforts to align policies and strategies with the priorities of the Global South in the global conversation on MDB reforms and crypto asset regulation. Discussions on these matters will continue during the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting in Marrakech, Morocco.

The G20 Leaders' Declaration on Climate Finance and Targets


1. What does the G20 Leaders' Declaration recognize for the first time?

The G20 Leaders' Declaration formally recognizes the substantial increase in financial resources required for the world to transition to a renewable energy economy. It acknowledges the need for $5.85-5.9 trillion in the pre-2030 period for developing countries and $4 trillion per year for clean energy technologies by 2030 to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

2. What is meant by "net zero" in the context of carbon emissions?

"Net zero" refers to the balance between the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere and the amount removed or offset, resulting in no net increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. Achieving net-zero emissions is a crucial goal for mitigating climate change.

3. How does the Declaration address the financial responsibility for achieving net zero?

The Declaration acknowledges the principle of "common but differentiated responsibility," implying that all nations do not have to equally contribute to the costs of achieving net zero. It recognizes the historical responsibility disparities between developed and developing countries.

4. What has been a longstanding dispute among developed and developing countries regarding climate finance?

A longstanding dispute revolves around the transfer of money and technology from developed to developing countries to aid in climate adaptation and mitigation efforts. The 2010 commitment to collect $100 billion annually by 2020 for this purpose was not fully realized. The Declaration reaffirms this commitment and notes that developed countries are expected to meet this goal for the first time in 2023.

5. What does the Declaration say about reducing greenhouse gas emissions and renewable energy targets?

The Declaration recognizes the need to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by 43% by 2030 relative to 2019 levels and emphasizes that global peaking must occur before 2025. It also encourages tripling renewable energy capacity by 2030 and doubling the rate of energy efficiency improvement by 2030.

6. How is the commitment to renewable energy and climate finance viewed by experts?

Experts note that while the progress in tripling renewable energy and providing low-cost finance is positive, a specific time commitment on renewable energy targets and the allocation of finance to developing countries would have strengthened the commitment to addressing the climate crisis. Higher investment is seen as necessary to achieve net-zero emissions and support developing countries in meeting their climate goals.

G20 Commits to Enhancing Women's Role in Climate Change Action

The G20 nations made several resolutions regarding women's participation and leadership in climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well as supporting gender-responsive solutions to enhance resilience to climate impacts. Here are the key points from their declaration:
Acknowledgment of Disproportionate Impact: The G20 recognized the disproportionate impact of climate change on women and girls.
Climate Action with Gender Equality: The G20 committed to accelerating climate action while keeping gender equality at its core.
Women's Participation and Leadership: They pledged to increase women's involvement, partnership, decision-making, and leadership in climate change mitigation, adaptation, disaster risk reduction strategies, and environmental policy frameworks.
Support for Gender-Responsive Solutions: The G20 agreed to support gender-responsive and environmentally resilient solutions, including those related to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), to enhance resilience to climate change and environmental degradation.
Establishment of a Working Group: They decided to establish a new Working Group on the Empowerment of Women, which will focus on promoting gender equality.
These resolutions emphasize the importance of gender equality and the active involvement of women in addressing climate change and its impacts. They highlight the commitment of G20 nations to work towards a more inclusive and sustainable response to the global climate crisis.

 India Launches Global Biofuels Alliance at G20 Summit

Salient Points:
India launched the Global Biofuels Alliance at the G20 Summit, aiming to promote sustainable and clean energy.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged G20 nations to join the initiative and increase ethanol blending in petrol to 20% globally.
The alliance includes initiating members such as Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Italy, Mauritius, South Africa, the UAE, and the U.S., with Canada and Singapore as observer countries.
The initiative marks a significant step toward sustainability and clean energy.
PM Modi also proposed launching the G20 Satellite Mission for Environment and Climate Observation and urged support for the Green Credit Initiative.
Trillions of dollars are required for a global energy transition, with developed countries committing to fulfill their $100 billion climate finance commitment for the first time.
The Global Biofuels Alliance focuses on securing the supply of biofuels and ensuring their affordability and sustainable production

Food Security and Agriculture

The G20 leaders' declaration from the recent meeting underscored several key priorities in global food and agricultural security. These include:
1. Emphasizing Global Food and Nutritional Security: The declaration places a strong emphasis on ensuring global food and nutritional security for all, aligning with the G20 Deccan High-Level Principles on Food Security and Nutrition 2023.
2. Research Cooperation in Climate-Resilient Grains: The leaders committed to encouraging efforts to strengthen research cooperation in climate-resilient and nutritious grains. This includes traditional crops like millet, quinoa, sorghum, as well as staples such as rice, wheat, and maize.
3. Enhancing Fertilizer Use: Acknowledging the importance of fertilizers and agricultural inputs, the declaration emphasizes increasing access to, availability, and efficient use of fertilizer. There is also a focus on strengthening local fertilizer production and improving soil health.
4. Agricultural Productivity and Food Loss Reduction: The leaders pledged to accelerate innovations and investments aimed at boosting agricultural productivity. Additionally, they aim to reduce food loss and waste throughout the value chain. This includes improvements in marketing and storage practices.
5. Supporting Developing Countries: The declaration commits to supporting the efforts and capacities of developing countries in addressing their food security challenges. The goal is to enable these nations to provide access to affordable, safe, nutritious, and healthy diets while progressively realizing the right to adequate food.
6. Facilitating Open and Fair Agricultural Trade: The G20 leaders expressed their commitment to facilitating open, fair, predictable, and rules-based agriculture, food, and fertilizer trade. This involves refraining from imposing export prohibitions or restrictions and reducing market distortions, all in line with relevant WTO rules.
7. Strengthening AMIS and GEOGLAM: The declaration includes a commitment to strengthen the Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS) and the Group on Earth Observations Global Agricultural Monitoring (GEOGLAM). These efforts aim to enhance transparency, mitigate food price volatility, and collaborate effectively with early warning systems.
In summary, the G20 leaders' declaration outlines a comprehensive approach to addressing global food and agricultural challenges, emphasizing research, sustainability, access, and cooperation among nations.


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