What is Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI)?
DPI refers to the shared digital systems that a country uses to drive development, inclusion, innovation, trust, competition, and to uphold human rights and freedoms.
How has India utilized DPI?
India has successfully issued digital identities to nearly all its citizens, granting access to various services and integrating individuals into the digital economy.
What has India achieved during its G-20 presidency regarding DPI?
India led the initiative to create a common framework for Systems of Digital Public Infrastructure, which was agreed upon by all G-20 countries.
How is the concept of DPI being received and applied globally?
The Modular Open Source Identity Platform (MOSIP) developed in Bengaluru has been adopted by countries like Morocco, Togo, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines, reaching over 97 million people.
What is Norway's role in supporting digital public goods?
Norway, a co-founder of the Digital Public Goods Alliance (DPGA), supports the development of digital public goods and has pledged to make national digital systems available globally.
Can you give examples of Norwegian digital public goods being used internationally?
Yes, the Norwegian meteorological services' weather forecasting system Yr, the VIPS plant health warning system, and the DHIS2 health management information system platform are some examples.
What challenges are associated with the development and maintenance of digital goods?
Digital goods require funding for development, maintenance, and security, and there are also challenges related to privacy, data leaks, and digital sovereignty.
How do digital public goods fit into the broader context of international development?
Digital public goods are crucial for tackling global challenges like food insecurity and are instrumental in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as evidenced by their role in ending hunger (SDG2).