
UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Current Affairs

UPSC Daily Current Affairs :: SRIRAM's IAS


Apr 20, 2024
What is the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations? The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations is an international treaty formulated in 1961, which outlines the rules for diplomatic interactions between countries. Its main purpose is to facilitate peaceful international relations. Currently, 193 countries are parties to the Convention, making it a universally recognized framework. Read More...


Apr 20, 2024
What was Mahad Satyagraha? Mahad Satyagraha was a significant protest led by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar on March 20, 1927. It aimed to allow untouchables, or Dalits, access to the public water tank in Mahad, Maharashtra, which was traditionally reserved for the upper caste. This movement was one of the first major acts of organized resistance against caste-based discrimination in India. Why was Mahad S... Read More...


Apr 20, 2024
What causes human-wildlife conflicts in India? Human-wildlife conflicts in India primarily arise from habitat encroachment and fragmentation due to urbanization, agricultural expansion, and infrastructure development. This leads to wildlife venturing into human settlements in search of food and space, increasing the likelihood of encounters. Which animals are most commonly involved in these conflicts? Read More...


Apr 20, 2024
What is a microbiome? A microbiome is the collection of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microbes, that inhabit various environments. Within the human body, the microbiome refers to the diverse community of these organisms that reside in areas such as the gut, skin, mouth, and respiratory tract,... Read More...

Landmark Environmental Judgment: M.K. Ranjitsinh vs. Union of India

Apr 20, 2024
M.C. Mehta vs. Union of India About the Judgment: M.C. Mehta vs. Union of India encompasses several landmark environmental cases filed by the environmental attorney M.C. Mehta. Notably, these cases led to significant judicial interventions related to air and water pollution, including the Ganga pollution case and the Taj Trapezium case. Key Articles and Policies Invoked... Read More...


Apr 20, 2024
1. What is a Cloud Forest? A cloud forest is a type of rainforest located at high altitudes, typically between 1,000 and 2,500 meters above sea level. These forests are characterized by a constant mist or cloud cover at the canopy level. 2. How are Cloud Forests Formed? Cloud forests form through a process known as lateral cloud filtration. This involves air currents traveling inland from ... Read More...


Apr 20, 2024
What is the IRGC? The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is Iran’s elite military force established after the 1979 revolution to safeguard the Islamic system. It operates parallel to Iran’s regular military forces and includes its own army, navy, air force, and the Quds Force, which manages overseas operat... Read More...

Unveiling the Gobi Desert: Environment, Wildlife, and Conservation

Apr 20, 2024
1. Where is the Gobi Desert located? The Gobi Desert spans two countries, northern China and southern Mongolia. It is a vast region known for its harsh climate and challenging terrain. 2. What makes the Gobi Desert unique? The Gobi is known for its extreme temperatures, which can range from scorching heat in the summer to freezing cold in the winter. Unlike sandy Saharan landscapes, the Go... Read More...


Apr 19, 2024
What is Viral Hepatitis? Viral hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver caused by infection with one of the five main hepatitis viruses: A, B, C, D, and E. Each virus is distinct in its transmission route, the severity of the liver disease it causes, and its epidemiological profile. Types of Hepatitis Viruses: Hepatitis A: Often spread th... Read More...


Apr 19, 2024
Imagine tiny organisms that can swim in water by following the Earth’s magnetic field, just like a compass. These organisms, called magnetotactic bacteria, are special because they contain tiny magnetic particles inside them. Here’s a simple breakdown of why scientists are excited about these little bacteria: Tiny Navigators: These bacteria use their built-in magnetic particles to move towards environments that are best for their survival. Think of them as tiny submarines with built-in compasses that help them find the best places to live where they can thrive. Read More...

Preserving Temperate Rainforests: Strategies and Challenges

Apr 19, 2024
Temperate rainforests, which have been around for over 65 million years, are vital ecological zones found in regions like eastern North America, Europe, and Asia. These forests are crucial due to their roles as major sources of timber and wood products, and as homes for some of the largest and oldest living organisms on Earth. Despite their importance, over 99% of the world’s temperate rainforests have been altered through activities such as harvesting, development, and conversion for agriculture. Understanding Temperate... Read More...


Apr 19, 2024
► What is saline intrusion? Saline intrusion, also known as saltwater intrusion, is the process by which saltwater enters freshwater aquifers. This can occur naturally or be exacerbated by human activities such as groundwater over-extraction, leading to a decrease in freshwater availability for communities and agriculture. ► Where is saline intrusion occurring in India? Read More...

Invasive Species Threat & Response Measures in India

Apr 19, 2024
Invasive species pose a significant threat to biodiversity worldwide, including in India. These organisms can disrupt local ecosystems, outcompete native species, and lead to unforeseen environmental consequences. Global Overview: Globally, invasive species such as the zebra mussel, kudzu plant, and grey squirrel have spread beyond their native ranges, primarily due to human activities. Their introduction into new environments often leads to ecological imbalance. Methods like ecoacoust... Read More...


Apr 19, 2024
Geoeconomic Significance: The Strait of Hormuz plays a crucial role in India’s energy security and economic stability due to its position as a primary route for oil and liquefied natural gas (LNG). About 85% of India’s crude oil and 70% of natural gas imports traverse through this strait. The flow of energy resources through the strait directly impacts global oil prices, and any disruption can lead to significant increases in energy costs for India, affecting the overall economic growth. Read More...

Understanding Winter Dzud: Impact and Mitigation

Apr 19, 2024
► Winter Dzud 1. What is a dzud? A dzud is a severe winter weather phenomenon in Mongolia and parts of Siberia, characterized by harsh conditions that lead to significant livestock mortality. This occurs due to heavy snow, extreme cold, or ice covering the ground, preventing livestock from accessing forage. Read More...