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New draft National Resource Efficiency P

  Jun 11, 2020

New draft National Resource Efficiency Policy (NREP), 2019

Why the New draft National Resource Efficiency Policy (NREP), 2019?

Currently, India generates about 62 million tonnes of municipal solid waste (MSW). Waste generation in cities is increasing by 5% each year because of growing population and consumption. With poor systems of segregation, recycling and reuse, wastes including hazardous wastes (includes biomedical, plastics, domestic hazardous wastes and e-wastes) are improperly disposed, endangering the environment and human health.

What is circular economy?

A circular economy is an alternative to a traditional linear economy (make, use, dispose) in which we keep resources in use for as long as possible, extract the maximum value from them whilst in use, then recover and regenerate products and materials at the end of each service life.

What principles underlie the New draft National Resource Efficiency Policy (NREP), 2019?

It is guided by the following principles

  • Reduction in primary resource consumption to ‘sustainable’ levels, in keeping with achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and staying within the planetary boundaries;
  • Creation of higher value with less material through resource efficient and circular approaches;
  • Waste minimization;
  • Material security and creation of employment opportunities, and
  • Business models beneficial to the cause of environment protection and restoration.

What instruments does the draft mention in this regard?

The draft has proposed significant policy instruments like addressing regulatory gaps in implementation of waste laws, landfill taxes, high fees especially for bulk generators of waste, etc. 

Why set up National Resource Efficiency Authority (NREA)? 

The National Resource Efficiency Authority (NREA) will be mandated to drive the agenda of resource efficiency by designing database templates for material use and waste generated and recycled and landfilled, across various sectors and life cycle stages and across different regions. 

What are some examples and targets for recycling in the draft?

In order to promote maximum plastic recycling, the draft has proposed 100% recycling and reuse of PET plastic by 2025 and 75% recycling and reuse rate of other plastic packaging materials by 2030.The draft policy also mentions a ban on disposal of recyclable waste to landfills by 2025.

What about the construction & demolition (C&D) waste?

Municipalities in Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities should start inventorizing C&D waste data by 2022. Recycling rate for C&D waste should reach 50% by 2025 and 75% by 2030.