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International solar alliance

  Jul 11, 2020

International solar alliance

What is ISA?

The ISA, is an Indian initiative that was launched by the Prime Minister of India and the President of France on 30 November 2015 at Paris, France on the side-lines of the COP-21, with 121 solar resource rich countries lying fully or partially between the tropic of Cancer and tropic of Capricorn as prospective members. Later ISA extended the Membership of the organization to all countries that are Members of the United Nations.


  1. The overarching objective of the ISA is to collectively address key common challenges to the scaling up of solar energy in ISA member countries. 
  2. It also aims to undertake joint efforts required to reduce the cost of finance and the cost of technology, mobilize investments needed for massive deployment of solar energy, and pave the way for future technologies adapted to the needs. 
  3. ISA has been positioned to help create the conditions that would make funding, developing and deploying solar applications on a large scale a reality. 
  4. ISA is now perceived as key to achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and objectives of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

What was rationale behind choice of countries between tropics?

Most of these countries are geographically located for optimal absorption of the sun’s rays. There is a great amount of sunlight year-round which can lead to cost effective solar power and other end uses with high insolation of almost 300 sunny days in a year.

What is mission of ISA?

The shared ambition is to undertake joint efforts to reduce the cost of finance and the cost of technology, mobilize more than US $ 1000 billion of investments needed by 2030 for massive deployment of solar energy, and pave the way for future technologies adapted to the needs.

Mission of the International Solar Alliance is to provide a dedicated platform for cooperation among solar resource rich countries where the global community, including bilateral and multilateral organizations, corporates, industry, and other stakeholders, can make a positive contribution to assist and help achieve the common goals of increasing the use of solar energy in meeting energy needs of prospective ISA member countries in a safe, convenient, affordable, equitable and sustainable manner.

Why there was need of ISA?

There is no specific body in place to address the specific solar technology deployment needs of the solar resource rich countries located between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn

Many countries face gaps in the potential solar energy manufacturing eco-system. Absence of universal energy access, energy equity and affordability are issues common to most of the solar resource rich countries. International Solar Alliance (ISA) is conceived as a coalition of solar resource rich countries to address their special energy needs and will provide a platform to collaborate on addressing the identified gaps through a common, agreed approach. 

Also, under the impending threat of climate change, renewable have assumed utmost importance in the global agenda. 

ISA is India’s contribution to the global efforts for decarbonizing the energy systems and allowing countries around the world in align domestic priorities with global sustainability commitments. It is reflection of India’s commitment for universalizing the use of solar energy.  It has the potential to transform the world’s energy scenario while yielding social and economic gains for the global population.