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Disaster Risk Reduction

  Apr 11, 2018

Disaster Risk Reduction

Prime Minister has outlined a 10-point agenda for renewing efforts for disaster risk reduction. The following points were emphasised by the Prime Minister:
Stress to be laid on encouraging involvement of women volunteers and seeking greater cohesion in international response to deal with all kinds of calamities.
Emphasis on working towards risk coverage for all, starting from poor households to small and medium enterprises and multi-national corporations to nation states.
Emphasis has also been put on development sectors for imbibing the principles of disaster risk management and encouraging the involvement and leadership of women as they are the biggest sufferers of any disaster. Women are disproportionately affected by disasters. They also have unique strengths and insights. Therefore women should be trained a large number to support special needs of women affected by disasters.
Also there is a need for investment in risk mapping globally, leveraging of technology to enhance the efficiency of the disaster risk management efforts and utilising the opportunities provided by social media and mobile technologies.
Moreover, there is a need to build local capacity, ensuring that the opportunity to learn from a disaster is not wasted and bring about greater cohesion in international response to disasters.